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class civpy.survey.SpatialHash(points, grid)[source]

A class representing a spatial hash structure for efficient distance queries.

points : list

A list of points of shape (N, D).

grid : float

The width of each spatial hash grid element. For 2D spaces, this value represents the width and height of each square spatial hash partition.


The below example uses the query_point() and query_range() methods to search for points within the specified offset of a point and within the specified offset of a range, respectively. The found points are shown in green.

import numpy as np
from civpy.survey import SpatialHash
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle, Circle

r = 30 # Query radius
x = np.random.uniform(-60, 60, (30000, 2))
s = SpatialHash(x, 10)
ax = s.plot(symbols=dict(points='r,'))

# Find points within radius of points
points = np.array([
    (30, -45),
    (60,  20)

# Plot query points
ax.plot(points[:,0], points[:,1], 'ko', zorder=10)

for p in points:
    # Plot found points
    i = s.query_point(p, r)
    xp = s.points[i]
    ax.plot(xp[:,0], xp[:,1], 'g,', zorder=5)

    # Plot circle
    circ = Circle(p, r, color='k', fill=False, zorder=10)

# Find points within offset of range
ranges = np.array([
    [(-50, -50), (0, 60)]

for a, b in ranges:
    # Plot found points
    i = s.query_range(a, b, r)
    xp = s.points[i]
    ax.plot(xp[:,0], xp[:,1], 'g,')

    # Plot rectangles
    dx, dy = b - a
    c = np.linalg.norm(b - a)
    ang = np.arctan2(dy, dx) * 180/np.pi

    rect = Rectangle(a, c, r, angle=ang, color='k', fill=False, zorder=10)

    rect = Rectangle(b, c, r, angle=ang+180, color='k', fill=False, zorder=10)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



get(self, point[, norm]) Returns the point indices correesponding to the same hash as the input point.
multi_get(self, points[, norm]) Returns the point indices corresponding to the input array of points.
plot(self[, ax, symbols]) Creates a plot of the spatial hash.
query_point(self, point, ro[, ri]) Returns an array of point indices for all points contained within the specified inner and outer radii from the input point.
query_range(self, a, b, ro[, ri]) Returns an array of point indices for all points along the specified range within the inner and outer offsets.