Source code for civpy.survey.alignment

Copyright (c) 2019, Matt Pewsey

import attr
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .spatial_hash import SpatialHash

__all__ = ['Alignment']

[docs]@attr.s(hash=False) class Alignment(object): """ A class representing a survey alignment. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of alignment. pis : list A list of :class:`.PI`. stakes : list A list of :class:`.SurveyStake`. grid : float The grid size used for spatial hash generation. view_offset : float The offset beyond which points will be ignored when generating station coordinates from global coordinates. view_margin : float The station margin at the beginning and end of the alignment. Beyond this threshold, generated station coordinates from global coordinates will be ignored. Examples -------- .. plot:: ../examples/survey/ :include-source: """ # Global class variables BISC_TOL = 1e-4 # Bisector station tolerance # Properties name = attr.ib() pis = attr.ib(default=[]) stakes = attr.ib(default=[]) grid = attr.ib(default=10) view_offset = attr.ib(default=15) view_margin = attr.ib(default=15)
[docs] def set_stake_xy(self): """ Sets the xy coordinates for all station stakes assigned to the alignment. """ obj = [] p = [] for x in self.stakes: if x._type == 'station': obj.append(x) p.append((x.station, x.offset, x.rotation)) p = np.array(p) c, s = np.cos(p[:,2]), np.sin(p[:,2]) c, s = np.column_stack([c, -s]), np.column_stack([s, c]) b = self.coordinates(p[:,0]) p = self.coordinates(p[:,:2]) p -= b c = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', p, c) s = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', p, s) p = np.column_stack([c, s]) p += b for a, b in zip(obj, p): a[:2] = b
[docs] def pi_coordinates(self): """ Returns an array of PI coordinates of shape (N, 3). """ if not self.pis: return np.zeros((0, 3), dtype='float') return np.array(self.pis, dtype='float')
[docs] def pi_radii(self): """ Returns an array of PI horizontal curve radii of shape (N,). """ return np.array([x.radius for x in self.pis], dtype='float')
[docs] def azimuths(self): """ Returns an array of alignment azimuths in the shape (N,). Each element of the array corresponds to a PI index and represents the azimuth of the alignment ahead of that PI. """ if not self.pis: return np.zeros(0, dtype='float') elif len(self.pis) == 1: return np.zeros(1, dtype='float') x = self.pi_coordinates() dx = x[1:,:2] - x[:-1,:2] az = np.arctan2(dx[:,0], dx[:,1]) az = np.append(az, az[-1]) return np.asarray(az, dtype='float')
[docs] def deflection_angles(self): """ Returns an array of PI deflection angles in the shape (N,). The angle is negative for turns to the left and positive for turns to the right. """ if not self.pis: return np.zeros(0, dtype='float') elif len(self.pis) == 1: return np.zeros(1, dtype='float') az = self.azimuths() da = az[1:] - az[:-1] i = (np.abs(da) > np.pi) da[i] -= 2 * np.pi * np.sign(da[i]) da = np.insert(da, 0, 0) return np.asarray(da, dtype='float')
[docs] def tangent_ordinates(self): """ Returns an array of tangent ordinates corresponding to each PI in the shape (N,). This value is the horizontal distance between the PI and PC and PI and PT. """ r = self.pi_radii() da = self.deflection_angles() return r * np.abs(np.tan(da/2))
[docs] def curve_lengths(self): """ Returns an array of horizontal curve lengths corresponding to each PI in teh shape (N,). This value is the station distance between the PC and PT. """ r = self.pi_radii() da = self.deflection_angles() return r * np.abs(da)
[docs] def middle_ordinates(self): """ Returns an array of middle ordinate distances corresponding to each PI in the shape (N,). This value is the horizontal distance between the MPC and midpoint of the chord line between the PC and PT. """ r = self.pi_radii() da = np.abs(self.deflection_angles()) return r * (1 - np.cos(da/2))
[docs] def external_ordinates(self): """ Returns an array of external ordinates corresponding to each PI in the shape (N,). This is the horizontal distance between the MPC and PI. """ r = self.pi_radii() da = self.deflection_angles() return r * np.abs(np.tan(da/2) * np.tan(da/4))
[docs] def chord_distances(self): """ Returns an array of chord distances corresponding to each PI in teh shape (N,). This is the straight line horizontal distance between the PC and PT. """ r = self.pi_radii() da = np.abs(self.deflection_angles()) return 2 * r * np.sin(da/2)
[docs] def pt_coordinates(self): """ Returns an array of (x, y) coordinates for the Point of Tangents (PT) in the shape (N, 2). """ if not self.pis: return np.zeros((0, 3), dtype='float') pi = self.pi_coordinates() az = self.azimuths() t = self.tangent_ordinates() t = np.expand_dims(t, 1) uv = np.column_stack([np.sin(az), np.cos(az)]) pt = pi[:,:2] + t * uv return np.asarray(pt, dtype='float')
[docs] def pc_coordinates(self): """ Returns an array of (x, y) coordinates for the Point of Curves (PC) in the shape (N, 2). """ if not self.pis: return np.zeros((0, 3), dtype='float') pi = self.pi_coordinates() az = self.azimuths() da = self.deflection_angles() t = self.tangent_ordinates() t = np.expand_dims(t, 1) az -= da uv = np.column_stack([np.sin(az), np.cos(az)]) pc = pi[:,:2] - t * uv return np.asarray(pc, dtype='float')
[docs] def mpc_coordinates(self): """ Returns an array of (x, y) coordinates for the Midpoint of Curves (MPC) in the shape (N, 2). """ if not self.pis: return np.zeros((0, 3), dtype='float') pi = self.pi_coordinates() az = self.azimuths() da = self.deflection_angles() e = self.external_ordinates() az += (np.pi - da) / 2 da = np.expand_dims(da, 1) e = np.expand_dims(e, 1) uv = np.column_stack([np.sin(az), np.cos(az)]) mpc = pi[:,:2] + np.sign(da) * e * uv return np.asarray(mpc, dtype='float')
[docs] def rp_coordinates(self): """ Returns an array of (x, y) coordinates for the Radius Points (RP) in the shape (N, 2). """ if not self.pis: return np.zeros((0, 3), dtype='float') pi = self.pi_coordinates() az = self.azimuths() da = self.deflection_angles() e = self.external_ordinates() e = np.expand_dims(e, 1) r = self.pi_radii() r = np.expand_dims(r, 1) az += (np.pi - da) / 2 uv = np.column_stack([np.sin(az), np.cos(az)]) da = np.expand_dims(da, 1) rp = pi[:,:2] + np.sign(da) * (e + r) * uv return np.asarray(rp, dtype='float')
[docs] def pt_stations(self): """ Returns an array of (x, y) coordinates for the Point of Tangents (PT) in the shape (N, 2). """ if not self.pis: return np.zeros(0, dtype='float') x = self.pi_coordinates() tan = self.tangent_ordinates() dist = np.linalg.norm(x[:-1,:2] - x[1:,:2], axis=1) dist = np.insert(dist, 0, 0) dist += self.curve_lengths() - tan sta = np.cumsum(dist) sta[1:] -= np.cumsum(tan[:-1]) return np.asarray(sta, dtype='float')
[docs] def pc_stations(self): """ Returns an array of stations for the Point of Curves (PC) in the shape (N,). """ if not self.pis: return np.zeros(0, dtype='float') sta = self.pt_stations() - self.curve_lengths() return np.asarray(sta, dtype='float')
[docs] def mpc_stations(self): """ Returns an array of stations for the Midpoint of Curves (MPC) in the shape (N,). """ return 0.5 * (self.pt_stations() + self.pc_stations())
[docs] def poc_transforms(self): """ Returns the POC transforms in the shape (N, 2, 2). These transforms project (x, y) global coordinates to (offset, station) station coordinates relative to the PI angle bisector. """ az = self.azimuths() da = self.deflection_angles() l = az - da / 2 t = l + np.pi / 2 t = np.column_stack([np.sin(t), np.cos(t), np.sin(l), np.cos(l)]) return t.reshape(t.shape[0], 2, 2)
[docs] def pot_transforms(self): """ Returns the POT transforms in the shape (N, 2, 2). These transforms project (x, y) global coordinates to (offset, station) station coordinates relative to the tangent line between PI's. """ l = self.azimuths() t = l + np.pi / 2 t = np.column_stack([np.sin(t), np.cos(t), np.sin(l), np.cos(l)]) return t.reshape(t.shape[0], 2, 2)
[docs] def segment_indices(self, stations): """ Determines the segment type and PI indices corresponding to the specified stations. Returns an array of shape (N, 2). The first column of the array contains 1 if the station is located along an alignment tangent or 2 if the station is located on a horizontal curve or alignment bisector. The second column contains the index corresponding to the PI where the point is located. Parameters ---------- stations : array An array of stations of shape (N,). """ sta = np.asarray(stations) pc_sta = self.pc_stations() pt_sta = self.pt_stations() s = SpatialHash(np.expand_dims(sta, 1), self.grid) # Set values beyond alignment limits r = np.zeros((sta.shape[0], 2), dtype='int') r[sta < 0] = 1, 0 r[sta > pt_sta[-1]] = 1, pt_sta.shape[0]-1 # POT segments ah = np.expand_dims(pc_sta[1:], 1) bk = np.expand_dims(pt_sta[:-1], 1) for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(ah, bk)): f = s.query_range(b, a, 0) r[f] = 1, i # POC segments f = (self.curve_lengths() == 0) pc_sta[f] -= Alignment.BISC_TOL pt_sta[f] += Alignment.BISC_TOL ah = np.expand_dims(pt_sta[1:-1], 1) bk = np.expand_dims(pc_sta[1:-1], 1) for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(ah, bk)): f = s.query_range(b, a, 0) r[f] = 2, i+1 return r
def _pot_coordinates(self, result, seg, sta_coords): """ Assigns the POT coordinates for :meth:`.coordinates`. Parameters ---------- result : array The array to which the results will be added. seg : array The segment indices array. sta_coords : array An array of station coordinates of shape (N, 2). """ f = (seg[:,0] == 1) if not f.any(): return sta = np.expand_dims(sta_coords[f,0], 1) off = np.expand_dims(sta_coords[f,1], 1) i = seg[f,1] t = self.pot_transforms()[i] tx, ty = t[:,0], t[:,1] pt_coord = self.pt_coordinates()[i] pt_sta = np.expand_dims(self.pt_stations()[i], 1) result[f] = tx * off + ty * (sta - pt_sta) + pt_coord def _poc_bisc_coordinates(self, result, seg, sta_coords): """ Assigns the POC bisector coordinates for :meth:`.coordinates`. Parameters ---------- result : array The array to which the results will be added. seg : array The segment indices array. sta_coords : array An array of station coordinates of shape (N, 2). """ f = (seg[:,0] == 2) & (self.curve_lengths() == 0)[seg[:,1]] if not f.any(): return off = np.expand_dims(sta_coords[f,1], 1) i = seg[f,1] tx = self.poc_transforms()[i,0] rp_coord = self.rp_coordinates()[i] result[f] = tx * off + rp_coord def _poc_curve_coordinates(self, result, seg, sta_coords): """ Assigns the POC curve coordinates for :meth:`.coordinates`. Parameters ---------- result : array The array to which the results will be added. seg : array The segment indices array. sta_coords : array An array of station coordinates of shape (N, 2). """ l = self.curve_lengths() f = (seg[:,0] == 2) & (l != 0)[seg[:,1]] if not f.any(): return sta = sta_coords[f,0] off = sta_coords[f,1] i = seg[f,1] tx = self.poc_transforms()[i,0] mpc_sta = self.mpc_stations()[i] rp_coord = self.rp_coordinates()[i] da = self.deflection_angles()[i] r = np.expand_dims(self.pi_radii()[i], 1) beta = da * (mpc_sta - sta) / l[i] c, s = np.cos(beta), np.sin(beta) c, s = np.column_stack([c, -s]), np.column_stack([s, c]) c = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', tx, c) s = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', tx, s) tx = np.column_stack([c, s]) da = np.sign(np.expand_dims(da, 1)) off = np.expand_dims(off, 1) result[f] = tx * (off - da * r) + rp_coord
[docs] def coordinates(self, sta_coords): """ Returns the (x, y) or (x, y, z) global coordinates corresponding to the input station coordinates. Result is in the shape of (N, 2) of (N, 3). Parameters ---------- sta_coords : array An array of (station), (station, offset), or (station, offset, z) coordinates of the shape (N,), (N, 2) or (N, 3). """ sta_coords = np.asarray(sta_coords) # If shape is (N,), add zero offsets if len(sta_coords.shape) == 1: sta_coords = np.column_stack([sta_coords, np.zeros(sta_coords.shape[0])]) result = np.zeros((sta_coords.shape[0], 2), dtype='float') seg = self.segment_indices(sta_coords[:,0]) self._pot_coordinates(result, seg, sta_coords) self._poc_bisc_coordinates(result, seg, sta_coords) self._poc_curve_coordinates(result, seg, sta_coords) # Add z coordinate to result if available if sta_coords.shape[1] == 3: result = np.column_stack([result, sta_coords[:,2]]) return np.asarray(result, dtype='float')
def _pot_station_coordinates(self, result, spatial_hash, coords): """ Adds the POT station coordinates within the view. Parameters ---------- result : dict The dictionary to which the results will be added. spatial_hash : array The spatial hash. coords : array An array of coordinates of shape (N, 2) or (N, 3). """ t = self.pot_transforms() pt_sta = self.pt_stations() pt_coord = self.pt_coordinates() bk = self.pt_coordinates()[:-1] ah = self.pc_coordinates()[1:] if t.shape[0] > 0: bk[0] -= self.view_margin * t[0, 1] ah[-1] += self.view_margin * t[-1, 1] for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(ah, bk)): f = spatial_hash.query_range(b, a, self.view_offset) if f.shape[0] == 0: continue delta = coords[f,:2] - pt_coord[i] sta =, t[i,1]) + pt_sta[i] off =, t[i,0]) if coords.shape[1] == 3: p = np.column_stack([sta, off, coords[f,2]]) else: p = np.column_stack([sta, off]) for n, m in enumerate(f): if m not in result: result[m] = [] result[m].append(p[n]) def _poc_station_coordinates(self, result, spatial_hash, coords): """ Adds the POC station coordinates within the view. Parameters ---------- result : dict The dictionary to which the results will be added. spatial_hash : array The spatial hash. coords : array An array of coordinates of shape (N, 2) or (N, 3). """ l = self.curve_lengths() t = self.poc_transforms() da = self.deflection_angles() pc_sta = self.pc_stations() pt_sta = self.pt_stations() rp_coord = self.rp_coordinates() pt_coord = self.pt_coordinates() for i in range(1, len(self.pis)-1): r = self.pis[i].radius ro = r + self.view_offset ri = max(r - self.view_offset, 0) f = spatial_hash.query_point(rp_coord[i], ro, ri) if f.shape[0] == 0: continue if l[i] == 0: # Angle bisector delta = coords[f,:2] - pt_coord[i] sta =, t[i,1]) + pt_sta[i] off =, t[i,0]) g = ((np.abs(off) <= self.view_offset) & (sta >= pt_sta[i] - Alignment.BISC_TOL) & (sta <= pt_sta[i] + Alignment.BISC_TOL)) else: # Horizontal curve delta = pt_coord[i] - rp_coord[i] delta = np.arctan2(delta[0], delta[1]) p = coords[f,:2] - rp_coord[i] delta -= np.arctan2(p[:,0], p[:,1]) sta = pt_sta[i] - (l[i] / da[i]) * delta off = np.sign(da[i]) * (r - np.linalg.norm(p, axis=1)) g = (sta >= pc_sta[i]) & (sta <= pt_sta[i]) if coords.shape[1] == 3: p = np.column_stack([sta, off, coords[f,2]])[g] else: p = np.column_stack([sta, off])[g] for n, m in enumerate(f[g]): if m not in result: result[m] = [] result[m].append(p[n])
[docs] def station_coordinates(self, coordinates): """ Finds the (station, offset) or (station, offset, z) coordinates for the input global coordinates. Returns a dictionary of point indices with arrays of shape (N, 2) or (N, 3). If a point index is not in the dictionary, then no points are located along the alignment within the view threshold. Parameters ---------- coordinates : array An array of (x, y) or (x, y, z) global coordinates in the shape (N, 2) or (N, 3). """ coordinates = np.asarray(coordinates) s = SpatialHash(coordinates[:,:2], self.grid) result = {} self._pot_station_coordinates(result, s, coordinates) self._poc_station_coordinates(result, s, coordinates) for k, x in result.items(): result[k] = np.array(x, dtype='float') return result
[docs] def plot_plan(self, ax=None, step=1, symbols={}): """ Plots a the plan view for the alignment. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` The axex to which to add the plot. If None, a new figure and axes will be created. step : float The step interval to use for plotting points along horizontal curves. symbols : dict A dictionary of symbols to use for the plot. The following keys are used: * `pi`: PI point symbol, default is 'r.' * `rp`: RP point symbol, default is 'c.' * `pc`: PC point symbol, default is 'b.' * `pt`: PT point symbol, default is 'b.' * `alignment`: Alignment lines, default is 'b-' * `stakes`: Stake symbols, default is 'rx' Examples -------- .. plot:: ../examples/survey/ :include-source: """ if ax is None: x = self.pi_coordinates()[:,:2] mx = x.max(axis=0) c = 0.5 * (mx + x.min(axis=0)) r = 1.1 * (np.max(mx - c) + self.view_offset + self.view_margin) xlim, ylim = np.column_stack([c - r, c + r]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111,, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlabel='X', ylabel='Y', aspect='equal' ) ax.grid('major', alpha=0.2) sym = dict( pi='r.', rp='c.', pc='b.', pt='b.', alignment='b-', stakes='rx' ) sym.update(symbols) pt = self.pt_coordinates() pc = self.pc_coordinates() if sym['alignment'] is not None: for a, b in zip(pt[:-1], pc[1:]): x = np.array([a, b]) ax.plot(x[:,0], x[:,1], sym['alignment']) for a, b in zip(self.pt_stations(), self.pc_stations()): if a != b: n = int(np.ceil((a - b) / step)) sta = np.linspace(b, a, n) x = self.coordinates(sta) ax.plot(x[:,0], x[:,1], sym['alignment']) if sym['pi'] is not None: x = self.pi_coordinates() ax.plot(x[:,0], x[:,1], sym['pi']) if sym['rp'] is not None: x = self.rp_coordinates() ax.plot(x[:,0], x[:,1], sym['rp']) if sym['pt'] is not None: ax.plot(pt[:,0], pt[:,1], sym['pt']) if sym['pc'] is not None: ax.plot(pc[:,0], pc[:,1], sym['pc']) if sym['stakes'] is not None and len(self.stakes) > 0: self.set_stake_xy() x = np.array(self.stakes) ax.plot(x[:,0], x[:,1], sym['stakes']) return ax