Source code for civpy.survey.survey_stake

Copyright (c) 2019, Matt Pewsey

import numpy as np

__all__ = ['SurveyStake']

[docs]class SurveyStake(np.ndarray): """ A class representing a survey stake. This method should be initialized using the :meth:`SurveyStake.init_xy` or :meth:`SurveyStake.init_station` class methods. """ XY = 'xy' STATION = 'station' TYPES = (XY, STATION) def __new__(cls, x, y, z, station, offset, height, rotation, lock_z, _type, _init=False, **kwargs): if not _init: raise ValueError('SurveyStake should be initialized using the ' 'SurveyStake.init_xy or SurveyStake.init_station methods ' 'in lieu of the standard initializer.') obj = np.array([x, y, z], dtype='float').view(cls) obj.station = station obj.offset = offset obj.height = height obj.rotation = rotation obj.lock_z = lock_z obj._type = _type obj.meta = dict(**kwargs) return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: return self.station = getattr(obj, 'station', 0) self.offset = getattr(obj, 'offset', 0) self.height = getattr(obj, 'height', 0) self.rotation = getattr(obj, 'rotation', 0) self.lock_z = getattr(obj, 'lock_z', False) self._type = getattr(obj, '_type', 'xy') self.meta = getattr(obj, 'meta', {}) def x(): def fget(self): return self[0] def fset(self, value): self[0] = value return locals() x = property(**x()) def y(): def fget(self): return self[1] def fset(self, value): self[1] = value return locals() y = property(**y()) def z(): def fget(self): return self[2] def fset(self, value): self[2] = value return locals() z = property(**z()) def _type(): def fget(self): return self.__type def fset(self, value): if value not in self.TYPES: raise ValueError('Type {!r} must be in {!r}.'.format(value, self.TYPES)) self.__type = value return locals() _type = property(**_type()) def __repr__(self): s = [ ('_type', self._type), ('x', self.x), ('y', self.y), ('z', self.z), ('station', self.station), ('offset', self.offset), ('lock_z', self.lock_z), ('meta', self.meta), ] s = ', '.join('{}={!r}'.format(x, y) for x, y in s) return '{}({})'.format(type(self).__name__, s)
[docs] @classmethod def init_xy(cls, x, y, z=0, height=0, rotation=0, lock_z=False, **kwargs): """ Initializes a survey stake based on an (x, y) global coordinate. Parameters ---------- x, y, z : float The x, y, and z coordinates. height : float The height of the point above z. rotation : float The rotation of the point about its base point. lock_z : float If False, the alignment will be snapped to the TIN (if applicable) during certain updates. Otherwise, the z coordinate will remain fixed. """ return cls( x=x, y=y, z=z, station=0, offset=0, height=height, rotation=rotation, lock_z=lock_z, _type='xy', _init=True, **kwargs )
[docs] @classmethod def init_station(cls, station, offset=0, z=0, height=0, rotation=0, lock_z=False, **kwargs): """ Initializes a survey stake based on a survey station and offset. Parameters ---------- station : float The alignment survey station. offset : float The offset from the alignment. z : float The z coordinate. height : float The height of the point above z. rotation : float The rotation of the point about its base point. lock_z : float If False, the alignment will be snapped to the TIN (if applicable) during certain updates. Otherwise, the z coordinate will remain fixed. """ return cls( x=0, y=0, z=z, height=height, rotation=rotation, station=station, offset=offset, lock_z=lock_z, _type='station', _init=True, **kwargs )