Source code for civpy.structures.structure

Copyright (c) 2019, Matt Pewsey

import attr
import inspect
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from functools import wraps
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .element import clear_element_cache
from .element_load import clear_element_load_cache
from ..math import rotation_matrix3

__all__ = ['Structure']

def build(func):
    A decorator that ensures the :class:`.Structure` is built prior to
    executing the wrapped method.
    def index(lst, s):
        for i, x in enumerate(lst):
            if x == s:
                return i
        return -1

    def wrapper(obj, *args, **kwargs):
        # If already built, perform the operation
        if obj._build:
            return func(obj, *args, **kwargs)

        # If not built, build it, perform the operation, and destroy the build
        if n == -1:
            lc = []
        elif n-1 < len(args):
            lc = args[n-1]
            lc = kwargs['lc']

        if not isinstance(lc, (list, tuple)):
            lc = [lc]

        result = func(obj, *args, **kwargs)

        return result

    # Determine if lc argument exists
    n = index(inspect.getfullargspec(func).args, 'lc')

    return wrapper

[docs]@attr.s(hash=False) class Structure(object): """ A class representing a structure. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the structure. nodes : list A list of :class:`.Node`. elements : list A list of :class:`.Element`. symmetry : bool If True, symmetry will be applied to the structure. Examples -------- The following example creates an a structure and performs linear analysis for a load case. .. plot:: ../examples/structures/ :include-source: """ name = attr.ib() nodes = attr.ib() elements = attr.ib() symmetry = attr.ib(default=False) _build = attr.ib(default={}, init=False, repr=False) def _create_build(self, load_cases=[]): """ Builds the structure and places all components in the object model dictionary. Parameters ---------- load_cases : list A list of :class:`.LoadCase`. """ if not self.symmetry: nodes = self.nodes elements = self.elements else: # Make symmetric components nodes = [] for n in self.nodes: nodes += n.sym_nodes() elements = [] for e in self.elements: elements += e.sym_elements() ndict = { n for n in nodes} edict = { e for e in elements} # Set nodes to elements for e in elements: e.set_nodes(ndict) # Set nodes and elements to loads for lc in load_cases: lc.set_nodes(ndict) lc.set_elements(edict) ndict = { 6*i for i, n in enumerate(nodes)} edict = { i for i, e in enumerate(elements)} self._build = { 'nodes': nodes, 'elements': elements, 'ndict': ndict, 'edict': edict, 'load_cases': load_cases }
[docs] @build def plot_3d(self, ax=None, symbols={}): """ Plots the structure in 3D. Parameters ---------- ax The axes to which the plot will be added. If None, a new figure and axes will be created. symbols : dict The plot symbols with any of the following keys: * 'nodes': The node point symbols, default is 'r.' * 'elements': The element lines, default is 'b--'. """ # Build the structure x = np.array(self._build['nodes']) # Create figure is one not provided if ax is None: mx = x.max(axis=0) c = 0.5 * (mx + x.min(axis=0)) rng = 1.1 * np.max(mx - c) xlim, ylim, zlim = np.column_stack([c - rng, c + rng]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d', xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, zlim=zlim, xlabel='X', ylabel='Y', zlabel='Z', aspect='equal' ) # Symbols sym = dict( elements='b--', nodes='r.', ntext='k', etext='r' ) sym.update(symbols) # Plot elements if sym['elements'] is not None: for e in self._build['elements']: e = np.array(e.get_nodes()) ax.plot(e[:,0], e[:,1], e[:,2], sym['elements']) # Plot element text if sym['etext'] is not None: for e in self._build['elements']: p, q = e.get_nodes() p = (q - p) / 3 + p ax.text(p[0], p[1], p[2],, ha='center', va='center', color=sym['etext']) # Plot nodes if sym['nodes'] is not None: ax.plot(x[:,0], x[:,1], x[:,2], sym['nodes']) # Plot node text if sym['ntext'] is not None: for n in self._build['nodes']: ax.text(n[0], n[1], n[2],, color=sym['ntext']) return ax
[docs] @build def plot_2d(self, ax=None, angle_x=0, angle_y=0, angle_z=0, symbols={}): """ Plots the 2D projection of the structure. Parameters ---------- ax The axes to which the plot will be added. If None, a new figure and axes will be created. angle_x, angle_y, angle_z : float The rotation angles about the x, y, and z axes. symbols : dict The plot symbols with any of the following keys: * 'nodes': The node point symbols, default is 'r.' * 'elements': The element lines, default is 'b--'. """ # Build the structure r = rotation_matrix3(angle_x, angle_y, angle_z).T x = np.array(self._build['nodes']).dot(r) # Create figure is one not provided if ax is None: mx = x.max(axis=0) c = 0.5 * (mx + x.min(axis=0)) rng = 1.1 * np.max(mx - c) xlim, ylim, _ = np.column_stack([c - rng, c + rng]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlabel="X'", ylabel="Y'", aspect='equal' ) # Symbols sym = dict( elements='b--', nodes='r.', ntext='k', etext='r' ) sym.update(symbols) # Plot elements if sym['elements'] is not None: for e in self._build['elements']: e = np.array(e.get_nodes()).dot(r) ax.plot(e[:,0], e[:,1], sym['elements']) # Plot element text if sym['etext'] is not None: for e in self._build['elements']: p = np.array(e.get_nodes()).dot(r) p = (p[1] - p[0]) / 3 + p[0] ax.text(p[0], p[1],, ha='center', va='center', color=sym['etext']) # Plot nodes if sym['nodes'] is not None: ax.plot(x[:,0], x[:,1], sym['nodes']) # Plot node text if sym['ntext'] is not None: for n in self._build['nodes']: p = ax.text(p[0], p[1],, color=sym['ntext']) return ax
[docs] @build def global_stiffness(self, defl=None): """ Returns the global stiffness matrix for the structure. Parameters ---------- defl : array The deflection matrix. If None, all deflections will be assumed to be zero. """ n = len(self._build['nodes']) k = np.zeros((6*n, 6*n), dtype='float') ndict = self._build['ndict'] if defl is None: defl = np.zeros(6*n) for e in self.elements: i, j = ndict[e.inode], ndict[e.jnode] di, dj = defl[i:i+3], defl[j:j+3] ke = e.global_stiffness(di, dj) k[i:i+6,i:i+6] += ke[:6,:6] k[i:i+6,j:j+6] += ke[:6,6:12] k[j:j+6,i:i+6] += ke[6:12,:6] k[j:j+6,j:j+6] += ke[6:12,6:12] return k
[docs] @build def global_node_loads(self, lc): """ Returns the global node load matrix for the input load case. Parameters ---------- lc : :class:`.LoadCase` The applied load case. """ n = len(self._build['nodes']) q = np.zeros(6*n, dtype='float') ndict = self._build['ndict'] for n in lc.node_loads: i = ndict[n.node] q[i:i+6] += n.forces() return q
[docs] @build def local_elem_loads(self, lc, defl=None): """ Returns the local element loads for the input load case. Parameters ---------- lc : :class:`.LoadCase` The applied load case. defl : array The global node deflections. """ n = len(self._build['nodes']) m = len(self._build['elements']) q = np.zeros((m, 12), dtype='float') ndict = self._build['ndict'] edict = self._build['edict'] if defl is None: defl = np.zeros(6*n) for e in lc.elem_loads: ref = e.get_element() i, j, k = ndict[ref.inode], ndict[ref.jnode], edict[] di, dj = defl[i:i+3], defl[j:j+3] q[k] += e.local_reactions(di, dj) return q
[docs] @build def global_elem_loads(self, lc, defl=None): """ Returns the global node load matrix for the input load case. Parameters ---------- lc : :class:`.LoadCase` The applied load case. defl : array The global node deflections. """ n = len(self._build['nodes']) q = np.zeros(6*n, dtype='float') ndict = self._build['ndict'] if defl is None: defl = np.zeros(6*n) for e in lc.elem_loads: ref = e.get_element() i, j = ndict[ref.inode], ndict[ref.jnode] di, dj = defl[i:i+3], defl[j:j+3] f = e.global_reactions(di, dj) q[i:i+6] += f[:6] q[j:j+6] += f[6:12] return q
[docs] @build def global_defl(self, lc): """ Returns the global applied deflection matrix for the input load case. Parameters ---------- lc : :class:`.LoadCase` The applied load case. """ n = len(self._build['nodes']) d = np.zeros(6*n, dtype='float') ndict = self._build['ndict'] for n in lc.node_loads: i = ndict[n.node] d[i:i+6] += n.deflections() return d
def _create_summary(self, r): """ Creates dataframe summaries for the structural analysis results. Parameters ---------- r : dict A dictionary of result arrays. """ n = len(self._build['nodes']) m = len(self._build['elements']) lc = self._build['load_cases'] u = [x.fixities() for x in self.nodes] * len(lc) u = np.array(u, dtype='bool') # Global load data frame df1 = pd.DataFrame() df1['load_case'] = np.array([[] * n for l in lc]).ravel() df1['node'] = [ for x in self._build['nodes']] * len(lc) # Process global forces x = np.array(r.pop('glob_force')).reshape(-1, 6) x[np.abs(x) < 1e-8] = 0 df1['force_x'] = x[:,0] df1['force_y'] = x[:,1] df1['force_z'] = x[:,2] df1['moment_x'] = x[:,3] df1['moment_y'] = x[:,4] df1['moment_z'] = x[:,5] # Process global deflections x = np.array(r.pop('glob_defl')).reshape(-1, 6) x[np.abs(x) < 1e-8] = 0 df1['defl_x'] = x[:,0] df1['defl_y'] = x[:,1] df1['defl_z'] = x[:,2] df1['rot_x'] = x[:,3] df1['rot_y'] = x[:,4] df1['rot_z'] = x[:,5] # Global reaction data frame df2 = df1.copy() del df2['defl_x'], df2['defl_y'], df2['defl_z'] del df2['rot_x'], df2['rot_y'], df2['rot_z'] df2.loc[u[:,0], 'force_x'] = np.nan df2.loc[u[:,1], 'force_y'] = np.nan df2.loc[u[:,2], 'force_z'] = np.nan df2.loc[u[:,3], 'moment_x'] = np.nan df2.loc[u[:,4], 'moment_y'] = np.nan df2.loc[u[:,5], 'moment_z'] = np.nan df2 = df2[~u.all(axis=1)].copy() df2 = df2.reset_index(drop=True) # Local reaction data frame df3 = pd.DataFrame() df3['load_case'] = np.array([[] * m for l in lc]).ravel() df3['element'] = [ for x in self._build['elements']] * len(lc) # Process local forces x = np.array(r.pop('loc_force')).reshape(-1, 12) x[np.abs(x) < 1e-8] = 0 df3['i_axial'] = x[:,0] df3['i_shear_x'] = x[:,1] df3['i_shear_y'] = x[:,2] df3['i_torsion'] = x[:,3] df3['i_moment_x'] = x[:,4] df3['i_moment_y'] = x[:,5] df3['j_axial'] = x[:,6] df3['j_shear_x'] = x[:,7] df3['j_shear_y'] = x[:,8] df3['j_torsion'] = x[:,9] df3['j_moment_x'] = x[:,10] df3['j_moment_y'] = x[:,11] # Process local deflections x = np.array(r.pop('loc_defl')).reshape(-1, 12) x[np.abs(x) < 1e-8] = 0 df3['i_defl_ax'] = x[:,0] df3['i_defl_x'] = x[:,1] df3['i_defl_y'] = x[:,2] df3['i_twist'] = x[:,3] df3['i_rot_x'] = x[:,4] df3['i_rot_y'] = x[:,5] df3['j_defl_ax'] = x[:,6] df3['j_defl_x'] = x[:,7] df3['j_defl_y'] = x[:,8] df3['j_twist'] = x[:,9] df3['j_rot_x'] = x[:,10] df3['j_rot_y'] = x[:,11] return dict(glob=df1, react=df2, loc=df3)
[docs] @build def linear_analysis(self, lc): """ Performs linear analysis on the structure. Parameters ---------- lc : :class:`.LoadCase` or list A load case or list of load cases to perform analysis for. """ n = len(self._build['nodes']) k = self.global_stiffness() ndict = self._build['ndict'] # Result dictionary r = dict(glob_force=[], glob_defl=[], loc_force=[], loc_defl=[]) # Determine free and nonzero matrix rows and columns u = np.array([x.fixities() for x in self.nodes], dtype='bool').ravel() if not u.any(): raise ValueError('No node fixities found.') u &= k.any(axis=1) v = ~u # Calculate inverse and create unknown-known stiffness partition ki = np.linalg.inv(k[u][:,u]) kuv = k[u][:,v] for l in self._build['load_cases']: # Find unknown deflections and global forces d = self.global_defl(l) q = self.global_node_loads(l) qe = self.global_elem_loads(l) q -= qe d[u] =[u] -[v])) q = + qe # Add to results dictionary r['glob_force'].append(q) r['glob_defl'].append(d) # Find local forces q = self.local_elem_loads(l) for m, e in enumerate(self._build['elements']): i, j = ndict[e.inode], ndict[e.jnode] dl = np.array([d[i:i+6], d[j:j+6]]).ravel() dl = e.transformation_matrix().dot(dl) q[m] += e.local_stiffness().dot(dl) r['loc_defl'].append(dl) r['loc_force'].append(q) # Destory obsolete objects del k, ki, kuv, u, v, d, q return self._create_summary(r)