Source code for civpy.structures.load_case

Copyright (c) 2019, Matt Pewsey

import attr

__all__ = ['LoadCase']

[docs]@attr.s(hash=False) class LoadCase(object): """ A class representing a structural load case. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the load case. node_loads : list A list of :class:`.NodeLoad` to apply with the load case. elem_loads : list A list of :class:`.ElementLoad` to apply with the load case. """ # Custom properties name = attr.ib() node_loads = attr.ib(default=[]) elem_loads = attr.ib(default=[])
[docs] def set_nodes(self, ndict): """ Sets the node references for all node loads assigned to the load case. Parameters ---------- ndict : dict A dictionary mapping node names to node objects. """ for n in self.node_loads: n.set_node(ndict)
[docs] def set_elements(self, edict): """ Sets the element references for all element loads assigned to the load case. Parameters ---------- edict : dict A dictionary mapping element names to element objects. """ for e in self.elem_loads: e.set_element(edict)